How to use Forms in your Client Portals

How to use Forms in your Client Portals

One of the Portal Item Types is a "Form". This allows you to link the End User to an external Form (such as a Zoho Forms form, a Gravity Forms form, and many other online forms that allow you to set hidden fields that are filled via the URL parameters and allows you to set a redirect URL with parameters).

There are two very important steps to correctly set this functionality up:

  1. Create a "Hash" field on your form
    1. On your form, create a hidden field on the first page of the form that captures the URL paramter of "hash".
    2. Watch our video tutorial on this topic for examples of how to do this.

  2. On Submition of the Form, redirect the user back to the Portal using the hash
    1. In the form settings, set your form to redirect the End User to "[YOUR-PORTAL-NAME-HERE]/?portalItem=[THE-VALUE-FROM-THE-HASH-FORM-FIELD-HERE]"
    2. Watch our video tutorial on this topic for examples of how to do this.

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